1 New Article - April 15, 2010

CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT, I am here to tell you the truth of those things which are unto you a trial.

There are those who would allow no one to be in truth. For in the days ahead, there are those who believe that to tell an "untruth" is the way of living well and without jeopardy.

In the times that you live in now, there are those who are willing to compromise themselves by being dishonest. When this is so, they give to themselves that in their futures which is punitive. There is no punishment to anyone from another, not really. There is a drawing of energies that cause one to experience what is created by themselves in their own world.

Children, when you are ones to tell another an untruth, you set into motion that you also are to experience this. This comes from your own choices to learn. In the inner self of who you are, there comes to pass the same experiences.

There are many in these days who do not tell the truth of "what is!" In this action, is there set into motion the self lesson of the unlovingness of telling an "untruth."

Look around you. Who do you see suffering from an integrity fraud?

These are ones to have set into motion that which is of the same from their own past.

Children, when you are awake be sure that before you speak you are ones to be of truth. Be sure before you speak to think of what you are about to say. This can mean much to your own future and what you will experience.

Children, today is a day to offer all that you are to others in a "Loving way." This is a day to be present with those with whom you encounter time together. Be aware that when you speak, every word that you say is based on the truth. In this way, you insure happiness for your future.

Be ones to know that your integrity in this day will have you smiling in the future of your lives. Actions today, make tomorrows a Joy, or not, by your own choices. Be of that today that says, "I Love. I tell truth," in this is insurance of wonderful, Loving tomorrows!

Go in Peace and Love.

Discourse with God
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