Discourse with God - Sunday, March 9, 2008

Child, there are many things to learn. Man is one to want to learn, but he has difficulties believing in himself, so how can he believe in me?

Child, there are many today who ask that the world be in Peace. But inside of them, they are ones to feel nothing Peaceful. I would that there be unto them much to do in the Peacefulness of Earth Plane. But, in their inner pain, they do not listen to me or themselves. I send messages to them, and they do not hear. Therefore, they are ones to seek Peace, but they do not hear the words of Peace.

I would that all in Earth Plane know that there comes a day very soon, when Man and Light shall listen. For, he must listen or be one to seek the ways of his own heart to be no more.

Child, this is not to say that there will be destruction of Earth Plane, it means, that every individual will be called to his own plan. And shall he not listen, his choice is to be given the opportunity to learn, whatever way he needs to learn, shall be given to him in his wanting.

I am one to know that to be in the "Love of all things" is the way to growth. And in this is fulfillment. But, when one can not Love himself, how can he Love me or others?

I am here. I will teach those who reach out to me in their hearts. I will give unto them a teacher. And, in this is the way to Peace. I am here. I am with you and all who reach out. This is a Promise.

Go in Peace and Love.

Discourse with God. This Information is Copyrighted 2008.
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1 comment:

kaitlinkeays said...

I have experienced this as truth in my own life. I recently accepted God back into my heart and into my life. I pleaded for God to send me a teacher to help me interpret all the new information that I was receiving each day. When I was truly open and willing to receive the messages, a teacher was indeed sent. My prayers were answered in spades, over and over again. The trick is to being truly, truly open, willing and receptive. I am finding that with God, it is worth the "leap of faith" every single time.