Discourse with God - Saturday March 22, 2008

God Source: Dear One, I come to speak. I would that you listen to me and know that all is well. For man does not know of his own future. He but postulates and says things that he does not understand.

I would that you are one to listen and to say the things I will say unto you, that you will understand. And in this, is the way to see that all is well.

There are those who would ruin all that I have placed together in Earth Plane. They would be ones to secretly put aside all that is a goodness to know, and instead, put their own words together in fear.

I would that you are one to say unto me, "God, listen to these. Be with these. Love them. For, they are not ones to be present with themselves and their knowing of themselves. Therefore, they are not Loving and kind."

I hear your words, and I know of them. Therefore, be not in fear of their alliances.

Child, the Earth Plane is mine in transition to a better world. It is that which I Love. And those who experience my Love, are ones to know of me and my hand. I will not allow harm to come to the Planet of Earth, for in this would be a sadness beyond telling. So, be of good cheer. Be of my Light and know that all is well in Earth Plane. I am here, and even now, the things of my hand begin to show. I have not sent you into this place of Earth Plane to be sad. I have sent you that you may bring my words to those who believe that I do not exist.

So, in these moments, I tell unto you much that shall be to you to speak. I will say this day, "that you carry my words, and allow me to speak". This day do I say unto you, "Laugh, Play and know of me. All is well and becomes more so each and every day, as I have designed".

Go in Peace and Love

Rene: Dear One, am I to believe, that even though I see war and unloving acts all around me, that all is well?

How can this be when I see children starving, and being abused? I see the elderly being given no Love as they get ready to return to you. And, so much more that breaks my heart.

God Source: Child, I am here. And I know of your tears. I would that you are one to know that these are of man's hand. These are the ways of his unlovingness to manifest in Earth Plane, as he tries to learn of himself and me.

He does not understand that to learn and be wise is his way. Instead, he stands in fear and asks himself how to survive that which he is experiencing and has created by his own hand.

I would that you are one to say prayers for these, "That they be well in spirit". For it is this that causes these things to manifest.

Those who are in devastation are ones to believe the devastation is real.
Children can be old souls, who return again and again to learn and to grow wise. But the fears of the soul, bring unto them again and again the travesty of their own beliefs.

To be in Earth Plane, and ask to understand, is a goodness. So, no matter what shall arrive in one's life, to ask to "know of wisdom and understanding, and to return to Love", is the answer. Not, to stand in fear, and allow the past to become the present and the future.

And in these words, is your answer.

Go in Peace and Love
Discourse with God. This Information is Copyrighted 2008.
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