Discourse With God - Sunday, April 6, 2008

Dear One, I am here. I would that we speak together with the thought that, "all is well in the world".

I would that we are ones to be, faithful together, that "man will learn and he will be present with his own inner self".

There is much in this day to know and in this day is a new beginning.

There is in this day a way to full knowledge of the self, if one will but inner direct all that is at odds with the self.

When one does not do so, he is subject to all kinds of things that give him untruth. The self knows the truth. So, it is appropriate to take all that is of a negative understanding, unto the inner self. And, how this is done? It is very simple. It is to seek to simplify life in a way that one does not hide from himself.

Take into consideration, that every day, one seeks to know himself a little better. The day is a way to see that all is well, not that all is not well. And why is this so? Because you are ones to be in Earth Plane to learn and grow. And when the day becomes a trial, the trial becomes the emphasis of one's life.

Be one to know that, "a trial of the day", is but a lesson. It is a way to grow. And to see it as this, is a way to lend truth and conviction to one's life.

Child, I would that you are one to consider this as well. It is not that you fail, it is that you allow the outside world to become the inside world, and you stumble in the success of wisdom.

Child, be one to know that to be of the faith that "all is well", gives every day hope.
Be one to know that never shall one find his way when he can not see every day as a lesson. . . every day as a new horizon, . .every day as a way of enlightenment. Seeing life in this way, gives Peacefulness.

Seeing life as a trial only gives more trials and unhappiness. So, refuse to be one to see the trials as permanent. Instead, see them as challenges to wisdom and give them to your own inner self to understand and grow.

Go within. Be present with yourself. Seek the ways of your own heart to understand and don't panic!

Go in Peace and Love

Q. God Source, how do I go within. What do I do?

Child, I would that you consider being present with yourself every moment. There is no way to go within when you allow all else to be your focus. Make your life your focus. Be present with who you are every day. And in this, you become aware.

I would that you are one to know that there is nothing more important than to give yourself time and energy. And when you do, you begin to know yourself.

There is no way to "go within" when you do not know yourself. So, to concentrate on how you feel. . .where is your laughter? In this, you begin to feel and to know when you are full of angst.

Child, you can not know who you are when all else takes the best of your time and energy. Be one to know, that when you concentrate your day upon your inner self, you begin to seek the ways of Love in all else.

To concentrate your time and energy into the outside world, gives yourself no truth. And without this, how can you know who you are? All in your life comes from this. And when you do as I bid, all else will come to a place where you are aware and whole.

Be present with yourself in every moment. Ask yourself, "What is it I feel?" Allow this to be your way and do not judge these feelings. And in this, will you discover your Life and the Joy of your living.

Go in Peace and Love
Discourse with God. This Information is Copyrighted 2008.
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