1 New Article - November 29, 2009


Dear Ones, I am here. And I know of you and your tears. You are ones to know that the tears of your hearts are those to bring healing, if you will but listen within and follow what your heart is crying about.

Children, do you know that all is well when you seek your inner selves? Do you know that when you are free to be with me in the days of your lives, you do not only feel happy, but your tears are tears of Joy?

Children, to be with me is not something that takes a lot of care to "be right." But to be ones who seek to understand and learn.

Dear Ones, be with me in the way of your own heart to feel full of Joy. And in this is the way of my hand in your lives.

I am here in this place of wonder and Love. I am here in the places of your own heart as well. But you must open up and be present for the possibilities that lay in wait when you are ones open to my caring.

Children, make not that between us difficult to understand. For, I am here. I will lead you by that which you call, "the ways of your own heart to understand Joy and Thanksgiving." I am here in the places of Love. To be with me, is to feel Love, and to be in the Joy of this feeling.

Be with me! Allow me to come to you in the quietness of your own Life. I will meet you and I will hold you to me. You need not worry of these things that cause you to cry. Be with me and allow your tears to dry. It is very simple to be in the places of Joy, if you will but meet me in the quietness of your own heart.

Come to me. Be with me, and know Peace!

Go in Peace and Love

Discourse with God
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