1 New Article - August 15, 2009


Children, when you are aware in yourselves of Who I am your hearts will naturally jump for Joy!

I am here to be present with you and to assist you to become wise in the ways of your own hearts, as well as of those things of the spirit.

I would have you know that when you understand these things you are ones to come to me with your "Humble, Loving ways."

I would hold you to me. I will call you by name. I will be that One to serve as your mentor and friend. For we have been together many times before in this Universe of Love.

Children of the Light, be with me and know that whatever you shall design for your lives, I will be here to stand with you as you dream and construct these dreams.

Do you recognize who I am? I am one to seek you in my Life that you may be Free.

Children, to be free is to have the thought that no one can create for you. . .you must stand in this space. But, I will be near to you while you are at this task. I will stand by you as you "envision." And, in this is the way of abundance for all things.

Come My Dear One, trust me for all of the things that you do. Ask me to enter into these creations of the Light that I am see you in all of your Glory.

Child of the Light, I am here. And I know you are not ones to seek another to be with you. My place in the cosmos is to stand with you. I am one to have been given the ways of learning. Therefore, I give to you great Wisdom. I hold you to me with all of my strength, that all
may be whole in your lives.

Be with me! Know me! And know that you are ones to be Loved, greatly.

Go in Peace and Love.
Q. Rene - Dear One, we are not ones to know that you stand by us. For those who do not understand these words, how can we be assured that we stand in your Grace?

Child, you are one to have this promise. "I will never leave you alone unless you ask me to exit your Life!"

I am here to support you. I am here to Love you! And in this answer, does it give unto yourself that there is faith in this world, and healing, and wholeness.

Accept this as Truth, Now! And live in a Paradise!

Go in Peace and Love.
Discourse with God
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