Discourse With God - Monday, April 21, 2008

Dearest Child, I am here. I would that we are ones to go forward into the places in which man finds himself stuck.

Child, man is one to look for the places to hide himself and to be safe.

But, he does not recognize that he is already safe if he will but walk with me.

This blog is about safety.


CHILD, when I speak to you make sure that when you say something to me that it is addressed as "Godness".

We begin.

Godness -- There is within all the need to survive and prosper. And in Earth Plane there is another need, it is to "Express".

Man is one to seek self expression from the day of his birth. And, if he does not do so, he feels that he is not worthwhile.

I would that everyone understand this truth. For, without it, there is little accomplished for the lifetime one begins. I am one to see that many times there is a hidden agenda. And, this hidden agenda often stands in the way of one's self expression. I am here to lend safety to life, but also, to give to all the understanding that will carry them forth into a life full of purpose.

I would that all be happy and well. I would that you are one to speak of these things that all will understand me. And so, there comes now the understanding that will bring man into the place of his hidden agenda, and release him unto himself.

The hidden agenda is to be Loved and Appreciated. Without these being fulfilled in one's life, it is very difficult to get to the reason for coming into Earth Plane.

I would that all understand that they are Loved. There is no exception to this truth. And when man recognizes this truth, he may go forth into his own self expression. . .the reason for his coming into Earth Plane.

Children, be ones to seek me in your understandings. Be ones to look to me, to give you all of the Love that you could ever have, and more. I am here. I know who you are. And in this, the Love that you receive every moment of the day, is to be that which will send you forth on your own pathway.

I am not judgemental of you. . .I accept you for who you are every moment of your life. I am here to be with you when you stumble and to Love you through your stumbling. So, understand that you do not have to have the accolades of the world in order to be who you are. You only have to recognize the truth of my Love.

Children, you are ones to grow and become more and more the souls that you are through self expression. And in this, is the way of your life to be.

Come to me and ask that I be with you in every moment. Do not walk away from me in sadness. I am here and I Love you!

Go in Peace and Love

Rene--Q. Godness, why is it that we come into a world with Love in so much confusion? Ask anyone what Love means and there are a million thoughts about this. Why is it so obscure when it is so basic to our lives?

Godness--Child, there are many things that are obscure to man. He does not want to see the truth because he is afraid. And when one is afraid, he does not listen or feel. The first task of all man is to understand that, "fear keeps him from knowing and expressing himself".

Child, you are one to give my messages to him that he may understand and feel himself, and in this way, he can become one to understand and support himself in his "specialness".

I am here always. I seek all of you out with my Love. I am in the presence of all things, but you can walk away from me. I do not control you. This would be unloving and I can not be unloving for it would destroy us all.

I am what I am and this is Love. I can not be what I am not. So you see, that if you choose to walk away from me, and be in your own pain, I can not stop this beingness within you. I would that all stand with me, but I do not force that it be so. So, if you are one to recognize how much I Love you and be one to seek this in your every conscious moment, there is no fear!

I would that you understand this and be with it. For in these words, lies the answer to pain and fear. Without my Love, and your allowing it to be so, you are afraid and feel unwanted. With my Love and allowing it to be in your life, you are without fear. You will walk the pathway of yourself without the pain of separation.
Confusion in your lives comes from separation. You soul knows the truth, even if your head does not!

Go in Peace and Love

Rene--Thank you Dear One, for being with us this day.

Discourse with God. This Information is Copyrighted 2008.
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