Discourse With God - Monday, May 12, 2008

Godness: Dear One, I am here to discuss the world as it is this day.

It is a place where man struggles to be right about his life. He is one to decide this day, that he will not allow the truth to elude him. Instead, he looks to those who are of the truth and begins to allow not, those of no faith of truth, to influence him.

Man is one to have infinite power if he will but see this is truth. He is one to have infinite power because of the spirit of the Universe he is.

He has given himself to "Men in Leadership" to find that his life ends in servitude. Now, inside, he looks to find what shall be "his way", not the way of those who say, "Follow me," and lead him into his death!

Child, there are many who stand forth now and ask, "What is it you lead me into?", and as he does so, he will find answers that do not please him! Therefore, look to a future of such confusion, as Man and Light come together for the future of mankind. They manifest in a much higher power of themselves.

Child, be one to look at the future as one driven by man and his questions. He is one to look to himself, not to the leadership that has led him into death. The times of this, is no more!

Rene: Dear one, is this the truth for all countries of the world?

Godness: Child, it is so. And there shall be more and more questioning and following their own consciousness. It is a goodness to know that man has not ever been aware, as he is now, of his own internal self. And in this, will he step forth and demand to know the truth. In this, is the future. And, it begins now. Stay aware, and watch that which comes to the earth plane, by the demand of truth.

Rene: Is there a way to see this happening, when it seems the news media are not ones to be in truth? It seems the news media are ones to seek the drama, but hold quiet the truth, for the "news ratings".

Godness: Child, the news media will not be at the forefront of this awareness. For, they are ones to seek approval, not truth. Watch those independents of the internet. For in this, shall you find the truth.

There are many who believe in the truth, who are, even now, going the way of the information that will give you what is the truth. Be with them and watch. Those who are in the "airways" are not of any use of this giving of truth.

Go in Peace and Love.
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