Discourse With God - Tuesday, May 20, 2008

GODNESS: I am here this day. And I would tell you a truth. It is that, "there are many who do not understand what it shall mean to be in Oneness with God".
I would talk to you of this because it is very important to know what this shall mean.

When One does not feel connected, he is saying that he does not believe in the unitedness of all things. My hand is in all things, and it goes forth to include all, not just a few. But, if One does not recognize his loneliness, he can say, "There is no God, and there is no me. Therefore, I will chose to live as I can, and accept that when this life is over, I will be no more."

This is not a truthful statement. It is a "Statement of Disconnection to the Oneness of All things."

Child, it is important to know that, "Disconnection" is that which tells an untruth and which continues to grow. This is a saying that will expand. This thought is a growing alarm to all, who see me as truth, and as wholeness in their lives.

It is a goodness to know that, "another's untruth", does not affect you at all! It is your brother's reality, and to leave him alone, to find his own way, is a goodness.

Child, in the end of it, all find their way. Will it be today, or tomorrow, or the next year. It does not matter. What matters is that, "Your Brother will find his way into the Oneness and Love of the Universal Truth". It is just a matter of awareness and wisdom.

This is what eternity is all about. It is, "Oneness is truth of all things, and that, all things will recognize this truth and come into the Oneness in its own timing.

Eternity is based upon this truth. For when there is no time, only reality, "What does it matter. . ."today or tomorrow"? It does not matter at all!

"What is your choice for the endurance of pain and suffering?" This is the reality of separation from the Oneness of all things in the Universe. It is one's own choosing what shall be this answer.

Child, come asking it of me, to be in "Oneness" and it will be so. But, one must ask. It is a choice of Free Will.

Go in Peace and Love


RENE: God, What does it mean this "Oneness of All Things"?

GODNESS: Child, it shall mean to be in such union that one does not feel separated. It means that no matter what the issue or reality, one has understanding of this, and there is no separation in true understanding.

This supports Love and Union, not separation and war.

RENE: Godness, what makes us separate? Can we be in Oneness, and lose this state?

GODNESS: It is possible to lose Oneness once one has attained this state.
But, it is a very unusual event in the Universe. For, once one experiences this truth in his life, he is so euphoric, that to be in a negative place is almost impossible!

Child most often, when one listens to another's negativity, is he one to lose the Oneness attitude/reality. So, the learning is to refuse to listen to anyone in his negative thoughts. In this action, does one avoid being separated away from Oneness once again.

Child, be in truth. Love is Oneness. To attain total Love, as it is meant to be, is to let go of negative thought and deed, and allow no separation. Oneness is the result of this choice.

Go in Peace and Love
Dialogue with God. This Information is Copyrighted 2008. All Rights Reserved. For more information about RENE: http://www.AngelsandGod.com and click on "About Us" and then "Who Is Rene?"

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