Discourse With God - Monday, June 2, 2008

Dear One, welcome to this day of Love.

I am here to seek the ways of all to be in Joy. Therefore, be with me.

Children, do you seek to be always happy and full of Love? Then listen to the thoughts of my heart.

I am one to give you much which will move you in this direction. I would that first of all you recognize, you are not alone in this world of the day.

I am here and I give unto you many things that bring you to Joy, if you will but allow yourselves to see them.

First of all there is Life itself. Second, there is the need to know what is truth. And this, is that which drives you forward in your lives. Do you think that "to know" is the answer to all things? It is not!

What drives your lives to seek and to desire, is the "wanting to know what is truth. And what are the ways of your lives to prosper and to grow". This is the answer to that which drives your life force.

So, when you desire something in your lives, know it is your innate curiosity that makes you move and desire. And, this is a goodness!

Be ones always to see this as a blessing, "to be curious", for it takes you far from where you are today, this "wanting to know".

I give you a desire, that you may be ones to seek the answer with all of your hearts. So be ones to seek, knowing that it is divine. Not in the "wanting", but in the "wanting to know the truth of all things".

Children of the Light, be with me in this seeking. Be with me in the thoughts of your inner voice, "I would know!" And in this, you can recognize the truth of your own happiness.

Children of the Light, I am Love .

Question: Dear One, does this mean that if we "desire", we are really seeking our own truth for living in Joy?

Answer: Child, it shall mean that you have a desire to experience. And, in this is wisdom. It comes from your wanting to experience that which has not been so for you. In finding this truth for yourself, you experience the Joy of discovery. . ."Wisdom!"

Child to discover is a very good way to live in the truth of life. This is the "discovery of the heart", not the discovery of fear-driven answers.

Question: Dear One, is there anything, that is not a goodness to seek in our lives, that we are curious about?

Answer: Child, it is that you are one to discover, about another, what shall be his truth. His truth is his and yours is yours. Therefore, to leave another's truth to him is a goodness. For to do that which is to be unloving to another, is to be unloving to yourself as well. Be one who seeks what is your own "pathway of wisdom", through your curiosity, and leave all others to do the same. This is the pathway to Brotherhood and Love of the Self.

Go in Peace and Love

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