Discourse with God - Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear One, I am here. There is in this day news that will make your heart sing. I would that you are one to know that there is nothing to fear in the world this day. I would that you seek the ways of my hand and to know of this truth.

And why is this so? It is because I have declared it to be a day of rest. I would that you are one to know that when "Love is present and there is a rest of the heart," Love becomes the way of man and Light to allow the thoughts of fear to be not present.

I would that you are one to take notice that today has been quiet. And the reason is, that all of you are ready to give to me, your trust. And this is so!

Child, be one to know that to be of the thoughts that, "All is well", is to put into motion the thought that, there is, "Love, not fear."

Therefore, be one this day to accept that I have placed on earth plane the thought that, "All is well and that fear is not reality!" I would that you celebrate!

Go in Peace and Love

Question: Dear One, why is this so? Why did you not do this before today? If this could be done, as you say it is today, why did you not do this before in order to avoid the wars and violence we have suffered on earth?

Answer: Child, I am here. And, I have placed this upon the earth plane many times only to have it wiped away again and again. I would Love, all of you in a way, that fear is no longer your reality. So, each and every day I have done as I have today. My Light is upon the earth before the violence of the day is experienced. When fear enters, it washes my Love away, and you suffer from your creations of fear.

Child, when the Sun rises to kiss the day, I smile with Love. And when the Sun slips below the horizon, I feel the Love of the evening as it goes forward into a new day.

I would that you know that each and every day do I kiss the day with Love. I would be in the harmony of knowing, that all of you know this to be truth. Arise in the beginning of your day. Look to the horizon and know that my Love enters upon the land.

Child, when you acknowledge that, My Love has awakened the day with you, and you accept this is truth, your day can become infused with Love.

Where there is Love, there is no fear. Open up your heart and know
that each day is a goodness to your own soul's nature. And that, all is well.

When there are those who arise to the new dawn, and give nothing but fear into their day, there is such violence!

Child, I will continue every morning, as the sun arises, to kiss the day with sunshine and Love. I would that you accept this truth and walk with Love and Purpose in your day knowing the truth.

And some day, may all of you celebrate the new day, knowing it is Blessed!

Go in Peace and Love.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear One, this is such a beautiful message. I am understanding that each day your Love is present in earth plane, and we are free to choose it by opening up our hearts.I am so grateful for all the support now present in earth plane to assist us in this choice. Thank you for any signs you can give us in our daily lives to see and choose love.