Discourse with God - Saturday, June 28, 2008


Child, it is a goodness to know that we are a part of a "greater whole". It is a goodness to come to this day, knowing that you and I are ones to seek the ways of Love. Through being present with those who seek Love, and do not know how to access it, is our conversation this day.

I ask it of you, to be present with those who seek the "Love of Beingness". And in this, is the answer to loneliness.

Child, feeling alone is the way of all who do not understand and live in Love. And in the Universe, is there the seeking of Love, as the transition into the Oneness of all things.

Child, I would that this day we speak together of "Being in Love with All things". And in this discourse between us, to understand not only what Love truly is, but also, what it takes to be in Love, and how to live it. I will make these known in simple terms, that will cause all to understand, who wish to know.

Child, the first is to know that Love is not something difficult. It is not something "one does, but what one feels". So, when there is no feeling, there is no Love. It is impossible to Love when feelings are not present.

"To Love, is to Feel." This is the way of it!

Child, when one Loves the feeling is throughout the whole body, and it centers in the heart, not the head! The head can "think of Love", but it can not feel it!

Therefore, thoughts of the head distort Love. The heart does not distort Love, it revels in it. But the head says, "No, this can not be", and takes over, lending to confusion!

Always know the truth of this. "Love is the answer to all things. For it centers in the wholeness of who you are. It comes to you in fullness". To accept that this is the truth of your beingness, will give you all and more of Love and the resulting Joy of life!"

Child, I would that you know that, "the fear of Love separates all from their own truth and distorts who they are". In this condition, fear rules and separates all from who they are. Fear and Love can not reside within the same container. Fear causes wars, it causes one to feel lonely, and makes it impossible to Love. It holds those who refuse to be in Love, captive!

Child to live fully in Love, "is to recognize the self". It is to be present with who you are and to be pleased. When this is so, in the Love of the self, there is Love for all things in the Universe. In this self acceptance, there is no fear, and the Lovingness for the self begins to spread to all things in your lives. Fear is the destruction of Love and the Self.

What is Fear? It is the way of the self to feel disconnected. It is the way of the self to try to protect when it is confused and out of Love. What is Fear? It is the "need to survive" without knowing that survival is a word of lack consciousness.

YOU ARE FOREVER. And when you accept this truth, THERE IS NO FEAR AND LOVE IS EASY!

Accept this day that you are full of Love! Accept this day that, "You are Forever", and live in the truth of Love!

Child, you are Loved!

Question: Dear One, do you truly mean that to learn to Love is to accept myself? Is this the way to knowing Love?

Answer: Child, it is so! And when you listen within, to the voice that says you are not wonderful, you listen to the voice of fear!

Ignore it, for it is not of you or me, it is of that which says, "I know best. It is that which says you have no truth inside, therefore, I must defend you. It is a voice of "false promise"!

It is the "fear voice of separation". It is not real, but the voice of the inner self, the head, that tries to make sense where it can not.

There is no safety when you do not Love!

Question: Dear One, how does one rid themselves of this inner voice of fear?

Answer: Child, it is done with ease when you recognize what this negative voice is made of.

It is made of the need to survive. It is an inner voice that comes from this fear. It is not real, it is a figment of one's imagination that gives false promise of safety.

Ignore it! It is a false prophet!


Go in Peace and Love

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