Discourse With God - Friday, July 18, 2008

Child, I am here.

I would that we speak together of being able to conduct life as if it were a circus! I would that we look, together, at life as one that comes to a point where, to play and celebrate, is a way of Life.

Child, Life is good! It is a way to treat yourselves. And when you are ones to leave earth plane, you are prepared to go, because you have had the Joy of learning and growing through your playing.

It is a goodness to know that, when one plays, he is taking into himself the thought that, "All is Well!" For, one can not play and cry inside at the same time. It is important to know that, "To Play, is a way of expressing, within oneself, the pathway to "Step Up to Life! To recognize that, "Life is Good and Playing is Fun!"

Child, when one is sad or afraid, there is no playing. It is impossible to be in fear and play at the same time. So, to know that you are playing, is to know you have no fear. The minute you stop playing, fear becomes your reality.

Dear One, be one to seek the way of playing in your life, every day. Be one to see that everything that is done through playing is directed to coming to an elegant Life experience. To play, is to be one to seek, always first, the Joy of the day. It is a state of looking for the laughter which lies behind all things. Therefore, to play is to accept that you are one to know, "A Truth of the Universe". . . "That To Play Is Divine!"

Child, you are one to spread the word. You are one to tell unto those who will listen, that "Playing is a way for Life to have meaning. Playing is a way to express happiness. And in this, is the way to all you desire!

You are ones to know, that "What you Love, becomes reality in your life. What you hold dear escalates. When you play and know Love, ALL IS WELL!

Go in Peace and Love

Question: Dear One, does this mean that if we are sad or in a place where life is hard, that to "Love and Play" will solve this in our lives?

Child: It is to say that to play is the answer to lack, and Love is theanswer to all things that are wounding. When one is stumped in life, to play and be lighthearted, creates a new horizon!

Question: Is there any time when playing is not appropriate?

Child, it is not appropriate to play when another is crying. For, it may seem hurtful. But, to Love is always appropriate. . .this means to"see God in all things. This is the answer to all that is disempowering. From Love (Seeing God in all things), answers come and creations are!

Go in Peace and Love

Question: Dear One, does this mean that we can live Life happily all the days of our lives on earth plane? That this is meant to be so?

Child, to laugh and play is the best way to learn. To be aware of the wisdom you choose to learn, and know you can learn these truths from laughter, is of truth rather than by pain.

Child, be one to look to laughter as being healing. Look to playing as being inventive. And in this, will you see the truth of what I say to you this day.

Child, to Play is to be one to seek the truth. To laugh is to be one to seek the way of your own heart to mend and become!

Go in Peace and Love

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