Discourse With God - August 11, 2008 (http://DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

GODNESS: Dearest Child, I am here. And, it is a pleasure to speak to you this day.

Do you wish to have a conversation, or would you prefer to speak to me about your life?

RENE: I would prefer to have a conversation not about my own life. We are speaking to others and sharing what we have to say to one another today. This will be published on our blog, "Discourse With God".

GODNESS: So be it!

I would tell all that come to listen to us speak, that to speak to me is not difficult. It is simply wanting to speak and knowing that I can hear you no matter where you are.

I would that all know this. You may not be able to hear me with your ears, but you are all ones to know when I speak. For, your hearts run with pure delight!

I am here. And, I seek that you to come to me with your pleasures and your difficulties. I very much enjoy being near to you when you are playing and having fun. This is the treasure of my heart.

But, when you are saddened, I also want to be with you. Often sadness is something, that if we share, there comes an answer to you from your own "knowing". I can not speak to you directly, if you do not keep your hearts free of sadness. So, to hear me is with your hearts.

I know you are sad sometimes and full of dread. I know that you don't always understand. But, if you will but trust me, it is easy to connect with me. I am here and I will be present for you.

The trick is to know that, "I am here" for you no matter what may be the issue. And, to be of this truth, is to be without loneliness. I stand with you no matter what may be the adversity. If you can not hear me, what good does this do for you?

It is as this: "When you speak and I hear your inner voice, I come. I hold you to me. Your heart knows I am near. This is the feeling of trust. . . of not being alone. From this place, you can receive thoughts from your own inner beingness that will assist you to go forward into a better place.

Child, it is this that can make your lives become better centered. It is in this that Joy can be felt. When you are overwhelmed and can not feel me, trust that I am with you. Trust yourselves. Reach out and feel. In this way, can we speak together.

Be with me. Come!

Go in Peace and Love.

RENE: When I am sad, why is it so difficult to feel you?

GODNESS: Child, it is because you are so much in the negative feeling that you do not allow the thoughts of my heart, and yours to connect. When your heart is full of sadness, it takes up all of the room and I can not enter.

In my Lovingness, I can not get into the negativity you are creating. It makes me saddened too and what good does that do for either of us?

Child, be one to seek me before your heart goes cold with worry. In this way, we stay connected.

Do you see this truth?

RENE - Yes, I see this truth. But how do I stay in conversation with you so this doesn't happen and I get separated when I am sad?

GODNESS: Child, just say, "Good Morning, Dear One"! to me every morning. In this greeting, we can touch. And whatever other conversation you would have with me that day, speak it to me. Everyday greet me and speak, not just when you are sad or worried. In this practice, you do not forget how to talk to me.

I am here. I enjoy your sharing with me!

RENE: Does this mean that I don't have to "Pray", I can just talk to you?

GODNESS: Yes, it means that we are ones to speak together easily, as best friends and compatriots, in a Universe of Love.

Speak to me! Be with me! Tell me your secrets and your Joys. I am here. TALK TO ME!!

With Love, I am here!

Go in Peace and Love.
Discourse with God, published on:
http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2008. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must
bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

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