DISCOURSE WITH GOD - Sunday, August 31, 2008 (www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

Child, I am here. I would that you listen and know what shall be the way of My own heart.

I would that you are one to seek the ways of spirit no matter what shall be the truth of the world. For in this, do you come to that place of Lovingness in your own heart.

To be one to seek the world's truth and not your own, will leave you with angst of the heart and oldness of the body. I would that you Live well and allow man to be who he is without interference. I would that We speak and talk heart to heart. And, in this is the way of Happiness in Life.

Child, I would that All have this "advice of the spirit". For, when they are not whole, and they are not wise of this truth, they are unhappy.

It is a goodness to know that man is not happy because he is not "inner connected with the Universe and My Love". I would that he understand that I am here no matter what. And when he believes it not to be so, it is to him a truth that follows him in every moment.

The truth is that to believe, "Is To See. One's beliefs become his reality". And when all know this truth, it gives them "great power". Not over others, of course, but of themselves.

One's beliefs are those talismans to center one's Life and make it come true. When one knows that he makes his life come true, he can operate in a way, "that all that he chooses to be, is!"

Child, happiness in earth plane, is not what another does to you and to your life. This is a common understanding in earth plane. But it is just not so! It is what you will do for yourself. . .what you believe in your heart to be true, determines your reality! So, never be one to blame another. Never be one to seek another "to make your life right!" This is a hollow seeking and leads to one's Life to being off course. Instead, look to yourself. There is never a time when you are absolved of the responsibility for your own life's courage.

Child, I would that you bring this truth to those who would listen. For, in this is power! In this is the truth! And, all else shall go away that is not Loving and kind in one's Life. Decide what you shall believe and be responsible! This is the way to a life full of Joy and Happiness.

Go in Peace and love.

Q. Dear One, what of those, in disadvantaged countries such as Africa, with all of its children who are without parents because of AIDS?

Child, look to these as being ones to work out the Karmic Effect of their lives. There is a circle to be born and lived. There is a way of redemption, not by my hand, but by their own hand.

Child, this does not mean to desert them. To give, and support out of Love, is a goodness for you as well as for them in their trials.

Understand, there is reason in all that you see about you. And when one, or a nation, sees the truth of their own hands, all begins to make sense. Do not believe that one is in lack and is not responsible in some way for his reality. The Universe does not place negativity in one's Life! So,understand that all has reason, and to understand this is so, is to bring change, by knowing the truth of "self responsibility". To Love and Cherish, is Universal and to step aside of this is to bring limited expression, and lives of toil. The moment one seeks to know the truth of "self responsibility", he begins to be of another reality.

Child, it is very difficult to see the toil around you and not go into the feelings of lack. To do so, is to give away your own Blessings. Therefore, do not feel sorry for anyone, least of all yourself! For, this is a way of being out of Love.

Child, be one to Love all things, as I do. Be one not to Judge what you shall see. And in this, you will be one to make a difference.

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One, how do I Love?

Child, it is to see that I Am in all things and that these are made out of My Love. To Love from this recognition, is to Love. To see Me in all things, no matter what the free choice is to live outside of this truth, shall be Love. In this, you can understand that which has not been to you "understandable"!

Child, do not mourn. This is Judgment! Instead, Love. This is the way of all healing.

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One, is there anything more, this day you would say to me?

Child, I would that you Love. I would that you know the truth of this Lovingness. And in this, I would encourage you to keep to your own heart...not in the Judgment of what you see all around you.

Go in Peace and Love.
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