DISCOURSE WITH GOD - Friday, September 12, 2008 (www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

Dear One, I am here. Today we speak together of Being Able to Seek the Self Without Interference.

I am here to say, that when there are those who interfere with this, there are often difficulties that come to you. You listen to those who believe they "know your own truth", and insist that you follow their ways.

Child, I would that every one of you are ready to seek the truth of who you are, inside. For, this is where we meet! And this is where there is understanding.

Child, be one to seek yourself. This is where your own happiness comes from, in being with who you are. You are not to find happiness from the ideas of others about who you are. There is a truthfulness inside of you,that will allow you to discover what it is that you are about. And in this is the way, of your own heart. You can manifest your special self!

There are many who say they, "Know the Way of Life", but they are ones to know of their OWN power, not yours!

I would that this day, you will listen within. And, that, you give space for others to do the same. When you are one to laugh and play, and you know that you are feeling good inside, you are one on your "Own Special Pathway". You open to the wonder of your Life and how you really are in your self expression.

Be one to know that no one but you and I, know this pathway. Therefore, be one to guard this pathway. Be one to say, "I, not you, know the truth of myself". And, walk away in Love from those who would say, "This is not so"!

You are very special. No one in the whole Universe is like you. Therefore, how can anyone know of you, but you?!!

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One, when someone insists that they are right about my life's choices and who I am, how can I say Lovingly, "No" to them?

Child, it is very simple. Say to them, "I respect your opinion, but I do not feel inside what you are saying. Thank you for caring so much." And let it go from you.

And if they insist in arguing with you, do not do so. Simply say, "Thank you", and walk away.

Child, you are not one to hurt their feelings in this action, if you do this in Love.

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One, what if I make a mistake about my direction? What if my laughter and Joy are not real? What if I mistake what is inside of me and go the wrong way?

Child, you are one to know that you are going to take a step here and there that is not correct for your Life. But, the moment you realize this is truth, CHANGE IT!

Child, you have the infinite capacity to change directions in an instant, if you will see this as truth. Fear keeps one bound. And, Lives are wasted because of this. Never will you be in fear if you see yourself as one to be "inner directed" by your inner Joy!

When sadness comes to you through decisions you have made, they are mistakes only when you refuse to use the wisdom you have learned. MOVE, and change directions. Find what you are wanting to do now, by the thoughts that come to you of being happy in another pathway. If you will promise yourself, that you will always check out your happiness, learn and move, there are no "wrong choices"! There is only"Wisdom and Growth."

Every choice you make, and move into, is an opportunity for wisdom and growth. The only reason you are in Earth Plane is to learn to Love. And, this is done by seeking yourself!

Go in Peace and Love

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