DISCOURSE WITH GOD - Sunday, October 12, 2008 (www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

Child, there is much to say this day. It is a day of "Wishes come true, it is a day of reckoning and in this is our conversation".

Child, when you are one to listen and to know what it is that you want to do, do you understand that all is well? Do you understand that when you are "awake and alive of spirit", that all comes naturally?

Child, I would that you know you are one to seek the ways of spirit and to know that this is a goodness. But, also to seek the way of "living", as well, is a goodness. When you are one to allow yourself to seek the ways of spirit, know that it is to be of a greater good for you and all around you. And in this, is the way of your own Light to Live fully.

Child, never believe that letting go of your own Life, for the "greater good", is the way of the Spiritual Life. It is a goodness to Live fully in ALL ways.

Child, you are one to know that to be "Full of Life", is the way of spirit manifesting. And in this, is the way you feel the greatness of Love that lies all around you. To be one, to acknowledge that you are happy and full of vigor, is a testament to being truly in the Way of Spirit.

Child, I shall tell you this: "When you are full of vigor and your face is in a constant smile, you are Living in Spirit". When the smile is gone and your body feels not whole, you are not seeking your own inner beingness, to be within the realm of spiritual living. This is the test of Love.

Child, laugh and play! Be one to know that, every breath you take is a good one, given to you to live well. And when you are one to know, that all is well within your own heart, and it bubbles forth, you are living in spirit. Living in Spirit is not what you do, but what you feel that is in the truth of this. For, unless you can live fully, "to give" is shallow. And in this, I give you My Heart!

Child, you are Loved!

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One, does this mean that unless I am of this "inner smiling", I am not living fully?

Answer: Child, it shall mean that, unless you can feel me inside and feel the Joy of this pairing, you are not Living well. Be one to seek the inner and the outer to be of the same and you are living in the Spirit of Love.

Child, you are to know that to be of this is divine.

Q. Dear One, are you telling me that if I cry, I am out of Living in Spirit?

Answer: Child, you are one to cry, certainly. But crying that is insistent, is not of spirit. The mind and heart cry because of the feeling of loss. But, this is not that, which will last forever!

The crying you do day by day. . .the sadness you carry with you that causes your smile to be lost, is that kind of crying that is out of spirit.

Be one to know that this is the crying that takes your life away. Therefore, when this is so, ask yourself, "Do I cry because I am sad, or because of mourning?" If it is of sadness, you are one allowing outside influences to bring you to the crying and Living out of Spirit. And the answer to this, is to say, "I am full of Love!" This declaration will bring you back to your own inner self and spirit.

Child, there is nothing more important in your Life than, to "Live full of Love". This state of being is one to bring Joy! It is a place where you can create and be whole. In this, is the way of laughter and smiling! And unless this shall be your way, do not look to serve another, for you serve not yourself, or them.

Child, seek me first that you may Laugh and Love. Hold this inside until it bubbles up. Be present with me and know that all is well!

Go in Peace and Love

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