Discourse With God - Monday, December 22, 2008 (http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

Children of the Light, Welcome to this day of wonder.

There is in the Universe a knowing that all is well. And, to take this into your hearts is a goodness.

Children, be ones to seek the ways of Peace in all that you do, and in this will your lives become more present and full.

There is a truth to be known. It is this: "That there is nothing in the Universe which shall be scary or full of destructive behavior when you know that, 'I am full of Love for all things'."

What makes things scary, is that you are ones to seek the ways of your own hearts to be in fear.

Children, be at Peace. Hold to me and know that I care. For in this, is the way of safety, not in your fear and hiding.

It is a timing in your lives to know of the truth which lies inside you. There is within you, an ancientness of power, that comes to the success of creating all things with a Loving intention. And, when you acknowledge this is so, you no longer have to hide and be afraid.

Children, be ones to know that you are always Loved, no matter what you shall do. I can not be out of Love with you, for you are mine!

Dear Ones, this day accept that this is the truth. Accept that never shall you be away from me by my own choice. And in this, shall you arise above anything that brings you fear.

I am here. I am with you. I hold you to me and call you Beloved. Come to me each day and say, "Good Morning" and give to me your heartfelt Love. May we forever be in Love, you and I, that we may sing and dance together.


Why is it that we feel so alone? Why is it we feel separated from you Beloved, if you are always with us no matter what?

Children, you are ones to step away from me when you are in fear. Your Light begins to dim and I can not feel you near to me. When you say, "Beloved, I am here!" I can find you in the darkness you have created.

Dear Ones, I never step away from you. I Love you. Therefore, when you feel lonely and full of fear, call out to me. It is very easy. Simply say to me, "I am here. Come to me in my darkness, I am lost!! And, I will be there with you in my Love.

Why is it so difficult in Earth Plane? If the Universe is full of Love, and there is no danger, why is Earth Plane so scary? Why are we so different?

Children, you are ones to know, you are not ones of great power inside. When this is so, fear sets into your hearts and you create from this fear.

When you are full of Love, and we touch, you are full of creations that are full of Love, not fear.

The answer to your trials in Earth Plane is that, "fear dissipates Love. And, you create from the fear that is a part of you. Fear creates a fear reality".

Look to your day, this day. Do you see how many things are on your heart that feel heavy and full of fear? When you carry a heart full of fear and dread, you create this to be so in your lives. Then, you hideout. You are ones to carry out your actions of fear and create a place that is full of angst.

Children, to heal yourselves and Earth Plane, you must seek the inner self to be strong and powerful in your own ways. This is done by Loving yourselves first, then extending this Love to your Brothers, and your surroundings. Then you are ones to create from this place of power.

Children, be with me. Let us play in the Universe, you and I. Let us sing and dance, and laugh!

I am with you!

Go in Peace and Love

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http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2008. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must
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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sending me this latest blog, it is in Divine timing and the dance of life is bright.