DISCOURSE WITH GOD - Monday, February 2, 2009 (http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com)

QUESTION: Dear One, there are many things I would know, God. Do you hear me? I am asking for wisdom.

GOD SOURCE: CHILD, I AM HERE. I know you. I have you in my heart and Light. Would you be with me? And know that I am here, no matter what you desire to know. I do not shrink from your questions to me.

I WOULD you are one to know that anything can happen to you, when you feel you are not deserving. For in this, is a negative way of being.

TO DESERVE, is to allow yourself to sacrifice. And become one who will never allow me to assist you to create.

CHILD, I WOULD that you are one to answer me, not with timidness, but with shine!

I WOULD YOU ARE ONE TO know all that is in the Universe is yours without payment, if you will but Love all things as I do.

DEAR ONE, DO YOU see what I am saying? Do you understand that I do not require payment of any kind? That you may have your heart's desire.

CHILD, I AM HERE TO FULFILL all of your dreams no matter what they shall be, if you will just Love! I am here to teach you and to hold you to me in Love.

BE WITH ME, and allow me to lead you into a world that will do your bidding just because you are in Love with all things that pass by your door.

I STAND WITH YOU. I hold you to me. Be with me as I stand forth for you, that Happiness and Love shall always be your way.


QUESTION: Dear One, do you seek me out as I seek you? As I desire to be near you?

DEAR ONE, I SEEK YOU JUST THE SAME as you seek me. I AM ONE TO KNOW you by who you are and I am one to miss you when you are not by my side. You may stray from me, but I still know you and who you are in this day.

CHILD, NEVER CAN YOU MOVE away from me, that I will not know you are missing.

CHILD, BE WITH ME as I will be with you. Scamper with me through the Universe. Hang from a star! And know Happiness and Love!

I AM WITH you, be with me!

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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes - thank you.