1 New Article - April 14, 2009


Dearest Child, I am here. And in these moments together, I give unto you truth.

Child, in the moment, it would seem there is so much to understand that this is a time of overwhelm. I would that you are aware of these times as times of growth. Honor yourself by being aware of where you can grow. Complaining does not allow growth, which is so natural to those of you on earth plane. When there is fear, and growth of your soul's experience seems the last thing to be of concentration. You, then, are one to enter into times like these with nothing to do but cry for lost opportunity.

Child, I would that all of you ask it of yourselves, "What can I do to grow? What can I understand that would expand me?" And, in these questions do you create and become ones to "know how to direct your lives well"!

I would that all are ready to grow and become powerful. For those who are truly powerful within themselves, are ones to know how to live well no matter where they are in the Universe.

Child, you are one to listen and to know me, and I am knowing of you. This opportunity did not come from insisting that you could not center and grow in the midst of adversity. You are one to know that you have long been one to seek the ways of growth and understanding. So, in the wake of these times, is the truth of your own "inner knowing".

Child, come to me and know how much I care. And when one searches in his life, I stand awaiting his questions. Be one to know that I know that all questions of the heart, wanting wisdom, are answered. Never is there a time when it is not so. So, be one to seek the answers of your heart, and I will meet "you within your calling out to know".

Child, I give this promise to all: "That those who stand in Love, and ask that I teach them in Love, shall have the answers to their inner wanting.

Simply stand in the quietness of your own "wanting to know" after you have said, "I would know the truth of this". And, be ready to receive. I will get the message to you from those who stand around you.

I will send you a message by some way. Be open, listen and know that the answer is coming to you. Do not look only to the words of the wise to deliver this message. The words of a child, who Loves me, may be the carrier. Or there may be a news print, an old note, a book, in which my answer may come. Be ones to know there are answers to all you would know.

Be humble! Ask! Allow me to speak out to you with my messages. And in so doing, be quiet. For the answer is only the beginning. It is that which will grow in your understanding, and wisdom begins when you are quiet inside with it.

Be one to know that the beginning of wisdom starts every day when you awaken. Do not allow a day to go by you, that you do not open up learning and growth.

With Love and Devotion, I am!
Dear One, does this mean the "Secrets of the Universe are never withheld from us?

Child, it means that if you are humble and Loving and have an open mind and heart, the Universe withholds nothing from you in your inquiring heart.

If you are one to stand "in the fear of knowing", you stand in the power to disappear the truth reaching out to you. But, if you open your heart and mind to the Oneness in all things without fear of what you will know", all will come to you.

You are ones to know that to be wise, is also to be humble! And in this state of receiving, you are ones to become a "Scholar of Understanding" in the Universe.
It is to you to open up to the unlimitedness of your own soul to reach out. This is the answer to all you desire to know and be wise.

Go in Peace and Love

Dear One, do I have opportunity in this Life to learn? It would seem my daily living is not that which supports this concept of becoming wise.

Child, you are one born of an unlimited mind and spirit. If you are one to know this is so, you are also one to know of this truth inside. Accept this is so and you have no limits to learning wisdom.

Your days may be long. Your heart may be tired at the end of the day. But always, if you are seeking and know you will receive, you will be ready. . .you will have time enough, and Love enough to be present with your "inner longing to be wise", always shall you receive.

Do not see time as a limitation to your receiving wisdom. For, in the day there is much to do with your life. But, in the Universal Plan, there is nothing withheld from you if you ask and believe. So, the day may be long and complicated, but you are one with no limits, therefore, this desire to be wise, is not an issue within your spiritual nature.

All is well, stay open and receive!

Go in Peace and Love

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