1 New Article - May 28, 2009


CHILD, I would that we speak together of the things of man. And that this be not of his mistakes, but of his Joy!

Child, it would seem in these days that pass by, man is not one to seek the ways of the Sun in all things. This means the brightness of the day that lies all around him. And, this is not the truth!

Man's sadness shows in his very walk of his day. It shows when he tries to smile and his lips do not warm to the energy of the smile. He is one who does not know where to step or what to do in his life's crisis. And yet, he keeps moving and hoping that something will move him forward into a brighter day. And, just how do I know this is true?

Does he really try to see the good things in his life?. "Look into his eyes. Seek the ways of his "wantings". Just ask him about his dreams, not the troubles of his day. And, a true smile will cross his lips and he will begin to talk with great enthusiasm!

Child, man feels that he is successful in his dreams. He has dreams that never quite "become", but he is not giving up at this time.

Why do I speak of this, this day? It is because there is time to relay that man is not one to give up as yet. He is one of a special nature that says, "Just keep going, it will turn around". And, he trudges forward.

I would ask it of all of you to know this truth. Just keep moving no matter what it shall look like in your lives at this moment. Just keep on dreaming and know that dreams really do come true.

Children of the Light, be ones to seek the smallest thing that you have created and keep it to your hearts in great Joy! In this is the beginning of a new and greater creation! Keep to this appreciation and your dreams and creations will grow out of the dust of yesterday.

I would say to all of you, do not allow anyone to say you can not create and bring to yourselves all that you desire. It is a rule of the Universe that what you desire in great measure, and Love it with all of your heart shall become.

So, this day I charge you to smile, to Dream, and to be Joyful of what you Love.

I make this promise to all of you: "There shall be laughter and plenty again on Earth plane!"

Go in Peace and Love!

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