1 New Article - June 18, 2009


CHILD, I would that all listen to me and know that I am present no matter where they shall be.

There is the thought that all is well when one is adequately prepared to be with me. This is not the truth!

I am here to speak to those who would listen within and know me. I am here with readiness no matter where "One of Mine" shall be.

Child, be one to know that no matter what, when "One of Mine" reaches out to me in honesty and passion, I am there with them in the places of Love.

Be with me in the morning. Be with me in the evening when the sun is low. Be with me in the earliest of the day's horizon. . .it matters not!

Child, understand there is nothing that stands between me and you. NOTHING!. . .unless, you shall desire it be so. Therefore, be one to seek me when you are Lonely or in Trial. Seek me when you are Merry and full of Joy. I care not what shall be the circumstances!

Child, when you are one to be in the truth of your own heart and you are one to seek to know of the truth, the energies of who you are and who I am come together. There is nothing that shall stand in the way of this if you reach out to me and know that I Love you.

Be with me. Know me. And how is this done? Your heart is connected to me in many ways. . .not one, but many. Therefore, on all levels of who you are, I am here. Be with me, know me and know that I care.

I am here, open up to this truth!

Go in Peace and Love

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