1 New Article - July 13, 2009


Q: Dear One, I am here. Are you present with me?

GOD SOURCE: I am here and I know you by your name. Will you come to me no matter what you shall think about my being near to you?

I would that you understand you are always near to me and my heart feels your presence. Would you be with me in the same way?

Q: I am here and I will come to you in all of my understanding. I know you are always near to me. But in my own self, to call out to you and to hear your voice, gives me great pleasure of spirit. Is this a goodness?

GOD SOURCE: Dear One, I am one to seek the truth of your inner beingness. Would you be with me no matter what shall be unto you in your day? I would that no matter what, you will be with me and seek me before the day's ending. And, in this is the pleasure of my heart.

Q: Beloved, I know of your being in my life no matter what. But to come to you at the ending of the day, is there a reason this is a goodness?

GOD SOURCE: Child, to look to me in the ending of your day, is to seek me before you sleep. There are many things that have transpired during your day. And to come to me before your rest, will give you better time in this.

To seek me, to speak together of those things that you have encountered, is to be one relieved of the day's treacheries. In this way, your sleeping-rest will be much better for your body.

Child, I would that your body rest well that your health may be a goodness. Daily, as you arise, take a few moments and begin your day in prayer. This means to touch with me before you go forth. In this will you find the day to be much more successful and a lot less stressful!

Child, I would that we walk together and that we are ones to seek the commitment to do so. Not that you will be less strong in your commitment to yourself, but that there will be much that we can do together to be more empowered in your life.

What reason is there to be one to seek the trials of the day? There is no such. To flow into your day, to experience, to accomplish is what your day is for. And in the day, to seek the companionship of others to touch and Love, not to encounter!

Child, a "Successful Day" is one that can say for itself: "I have learned. I have been Peaceful. I have Loved".

And in the ending of the day, if you are upset and tired, you have let go of me and allowed yourself to be full of unjoyful energy. This is not a goodness. For it gives away that for which you have come into earth plane. . ."to Live and Love in your journey of learning".

Child, do not live your day in the thinking that "to encounter every challenge and conquer it" is the way of a good life. This is not so.

Instead, see a successful life as one that allows you to see "Love Grow". It is to seek, "that when you are rested, you can lie down in Peace." And when you awaken, you look forward to the day with an open heart, knowing your are going to experience "something new and exciting in your learning."

Child, a successful day leaves you excited, not tired. A successful day is one that leaves you with more Love, not less. And when you lay your head on your pillow, you can sigh and feel the goodness of the day.

And be one to know that all is well.

Child, I am here for you no matter what shall be the issue. You must not hide from me in anger, in embarrassment, or in guilt. This separates you from me and I can not assist you in your pain. When you are in such as this, COME TO ME. Be with me and know that I will assist you to feel Love once more.

Child, be with me. Know that I Love you and all will be well for you. Do not hide from me where your intentions obscure you from me and my Love.

Child, I am here, and in this "is my Promise: I will never stand aside and allow you your pain, if you will not separate from me". I Love you, and I am here!

Go In Peace and Love

Q: Beloved, I am here and I accept your Promise. I will never stand aside from You. Will this remove any pain I feel in living in earth plane? Pain seems to come to all of us at times.

I thank you for Your Love!


Child, this is so. I am here!

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