1 New Article - July 27, 2009


Dear One, I am here. What shall be the lesson for me for today?

Child, I am here as well. Be with me as I tell unto you my will for all in Earth Plane.

I would that you are Ones to know me. I would that when we speak together, all will know that I am with them.

Q. Beloved, why do we not believe when Your voice is all around us? I see the beauty of the skies and Your Universe that is evidenced beyond this. And when I think of all that You have created, I am in awe.

Why do we not believe that you are?

Child, all are afraid I do not exist, Therefore, to be with their fear, they expect the inevitable. . . that, "I do not exist!" They face their fear, and disappointment before they have to encounter it, by the transition of their souls from the Earth Plane.

There lies within all, the knowledge that, "I am". Look at your hand. Is it not beautiful? It is a piece of art in the way it moves and serves you.

Would you believe that this would happen all on its own? This is not so. For without Love, that which I am, there is no "reason". There is only energy that is in evidence for creating.

Q. Child that I am, I want to know what happens to this energy, that is ready to become, when it does not have your Love?

Child, it is inert. It is "possibility." Therefore, it does not become until Love is introduced into its midst.

Q. Does this mean that all of us have the opportunity, to introduce Love into energy, to create as you do?

Child, it is so. I am here and I create that which you see. I create through my Love that you are, as a part of me. You are of Love energy.

When I birthed you, I was one to seek to be known in the Universe. I created you to be with me. To be my companion in the adventure of Universal creation.

Child, it is so. You are, to me, a companion to Love. You are to me a miracle of Life! Therefore, when you feel saddened by the Earth Plane experience, remember this is so. I am with you forever.

At this time, you have but decided to experience Earth Plane for your own understanding of the Universe in which you Live. You have chosen Earth Plane to experience, for you wanted to know what Love, without the experience of it, would be like.

Q. Dear One, does this mean that to understand Love in all its beauty, I must recognize what it is like to be without Love?

Child, it shall mean that you are one to care, to select, your experience. I do not direct your Life in Earth Plane. I but allow you to go where you would wish to learn. Many times I am not in Joy with your choices for learning but I do not tell you what must be so. You decide of your own.

I would that you would listen to me and grow. But, if you decide that you want to learn through experiencing, I support you. I hold you to me that you do not disappoint yourself while you learn.

Child, to learn of that which seems to be of a need to understand, is a goodness. But, I would choose for you that you always learn from the Love of the Universe, not from hate.

Child, Earth Plain has such beauty! She is one to keep to the goodness of herself. And in this, you are one to experience her as Love. Be with me in this, and avoid that which would take you into the places of hate, avarice and greed. For there is, within this, that which is to learn. But it is not that which is a necessity. There are Loving ways to learn and to avoid the pain.

You can learn much at the knee of myself. But it is your choice to learn and how it shall be. I will be with you no matter what you will decide.

Q. Beloved, would you teach me how to learn only in Love?

Child, I will teach you of this so that you will know my heart to Love you.

Come to me in the quietness of your self.

Hold me to you in thought and in your desire to feel my Love. And in these times of quietness, I will teach you of these things.

Child, I am here. Accept me! Be with me! I AM HERE.

Q. Beloved, I am here. I will meet you in the quietness that I may learn and grow in Love.

Go in Peace and Love. I await your coming!

Discourse with God
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