1 New Article - April 15, 2010

CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT, I am here to tell you the truth of those things which are unto you a trial.

There are those who would allow no one to be in truth. For in the days ahead, there are those who believe that to tell an "untruth" is the way of living well and without jeopardy.

In the times that you live in now, there are those who are willing to compromise themselves by being dishonest. When this is so, they give to themselves that in their futures which is punitive. There is no punishment to anyone from another, not really. There is a drawing of energies that cause one to experience what is created by themselves in their own world.

Children, when you are ones to tell another an untruth, you set into motion that you also are to experience this. This comes from your own choices to learn. In the inner self of who you are, there comes to pass the same experiences.

There are many in these days who do not tell the truth of "what is!" In this action, is there set into motion the self lesson of the unlovingness of telling an "untruth."

Look around you. Who do you see suffering from an integrity fraud?

These are ones to have set into motion that which is of the same from their own past.

Children, when you are awake be sure that before you speak you are ones to be of truth. Be sure before you speak to think of what you are about to say. This can mean much to your own future and what you will experience.

Children, today is a day to offer all that you are to others in a "Loving way." This is a day to be present with those with whom you encounter time together. Be aware that when you speak, every word that you say is based on the truth. In this way, you insure happiness for your future.

Be ones to know that your integrity in this day will have you smiling in the future of your lives. Actions today, make tomorrows a Joy, or not, by your own choices. Be of that today that says, "I Love. I tell truth," in this is insurance of wonderful, Loving tomorrows!

Go in Peace and Love.

Discourse with God
Copyright 2010
Discourse with God, published on: http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com is Copyrighted in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 New Article - March 31, 2010


CHILDREN, be ones to recognize that you know so much in these days. Compared to the past in earth plane, there were few who really understood what was happening around the world.

The world you live in has grown and changed in the past 15 to 20 years. And in these changes, there have been many who do not understand them at all. When you recognize that the changes are permanent in your world, you will begin to understand why you seek new avenues of expression never considered before. There have been permanent changes in your society, governments, cultures, sciences and more, that can not be explained in this small space.

When you come asking to know "how to develop your lives in a good way," there are so many new ways to reach outward for this answer. Nothing is the same as it was even ten years ago!

Children, trying to keep up with the changes and to hold on to them for"dear life" will just cause confusion! Taking into consideration that "nothing is the same" will assist you to move forward in your lives in a calmer perspective.

Be ones to accept that everything is changing. And this is happening very quickly. Look at your careers, relationships, and anything you hold dear. There is change in all that you touch!

What can you do about this new reality of change? What can you do to stabilize your lives? How can you look toward a future that is secure? How can you be ones to prepare for your future when you don't know what you are preparing for?

The answer is that, "You can not do any for these changes!" You are ones in the midst of the biggest creation that Mother Earth has ever seen!

Children, to be ones who are secure and well adjusted during these times of change is to take the attitude, "it is just what's happening!" To take this cavalier attitude, will stop your constant worrying.

Tomorrow will not be like today. Today will not look like yesterday. And tomorrow will not be constant either. There is only one constant. It is that tomorrow and the next day will be as different as night and day.

The reason for these events are that you are growing - the whole of Mother Earth is growing and changing.

In the past, because man was not as he is now he moved more slowly. He did not read or write. Man became used to not being in charge of his life. Now he is taller and stronger. He is one who designs plans for his life. In the past, survival was his only theme.

In these times, the theme of man in his existence is "expansion!" You now live in a future where there is a great wealth of assets. You can walk. You can fly. You can create like magic! Open up to this new Horizon! Embrace it in Love, not fear.

Go in Peace and Love

Discourse with God
Copyright 2010
Discourse with God, published on http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 New Post - February 26, 2010


THERE LIES WITHIN ALL OF YOU, the necessity to understand yourselves. When you refuse to do this, what others see in you from their own perspective, becomes your truth!

Children, be ones to:

1. Seek the understanding of yourselves through feelings.
2. Seek the way of your own heart. What makes it expand and grow?
3. Feel! What makes you feel Joy?

When you are ones to notice that your heart does not feel free and you are anxious at every step you take, it is important realize you are confused.

Confusion leads to taking, as your truth, that which everyone says is truth! You are no longer being who you are. You are the victim ofother's choices.

How can you live in Joy when you can not feel who you are? To live in the celebration, feeling who you are, is the way to great Joy in Life!

Children, it is a goodness to go inside of yourselves and feel the Joy of greeting the truth of who you are. Turn these feelings into words that are to be kept inside of you. Be ones to speak in tones of Peace and the feelings of Joy. Then feel, step inside of these feelings, claim them as yours. This is who you are!

Children, to speak in truth is to honor all who would listen. To be present in this way, is to be whole through your own inner expressions. Learn and grow through the recognition of who you really are. Make your life decisions by this new reality and feel whole at last!

Be ones to know that no one can make you be what you are not! If you see who you are, through your feelings and the light that shines within you, you are ones to be whole and complete in your desires. Confusion slips away. The Joy of life becomes yours to live.

Stand alone in your individual nature and know you are Divine. This awareness stops those who would judge you. It keeps you from being seen as "less than" you really are.

Be ones to seek the highest existence of who you are. Be ones to insist that your conversations will be of the "Highest Intention." Look at yourselves. When you walk out your front door, where are you going and what will you do? The determination of this question is a mark of your success. You are ones to have the power of discernment to express yourselves. Expression and choice reveals the real you!

Dear Ones, stand with me. Stand in the power of your own choices that define who you are. You are not like anyone else in the Universe. You are unique! Celebrate this and be whole!

Go in Peace and Love

Discourse with God
Copyright 2010
Discourse with God, published on:http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - November 29, 2009


Dear Ones, I am here. And I know of you and your tears. You are ones to know that the tears of your hearts are those to bring healing, if you will but listen within and follow what your heart is crying about.

Children, do you know that all is well when you seek your inner selves? Do you know that when you are free to be with me in the days of your lives, you do not only feel happy, but your tears are tears of Joy?

Children, to be with me is not something that takes a lot of care to "be right." But to be ones who seek to understand and learn.

Dear Ones, be with me in the way of your own heart to feel full of Joy. And in this is the way of my hand in your lives.

I am here in this place of wonder and Love. I am here in the places of your own heart as well. But you must open up and be present for the possibilities that lay in wait when you are ones open to my caring.

Children, make not that between us difficult to understand. For, I am here. I will lead you by that which you call, "the ways of your own heart to understand Joy and Thanksgiving." I am here in the places of Love. To be with me, is to feel Love, and to be in the Joy of this feeling.

Be with me! Allow me to come to you in the quietness of your own Life. I will meet you and I will hold you to me. You need not worry of these things that cause you to cry. Be with me and allow your tears to dry. It is very simple to be in the places of Joy, if you will but meet me in the quietness of your own heart.

Come to me. Be with me, and know Peace!

Go in Peace and Love

Discourse with God
Copyright 2009
Discourse with God, published on:
http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - August 15, 2009


Children, when you are aware in yourselves of Who I am your hearts will naturally jump for Joy!

I am here to be present with you and to assist you to become wise in the ways of your own hearts, as well as of those things of the spirit.

I would have you know that when you understand these things you are ones to come to me with your "Humble, Loving ways."

I would hold you to me. I will call you by name. I will be that One to serve as your mentor and friend. For we have been together many times before in this Universe of Love.

Children of the Light, be with me and know that whatever you shall design for your lives, I will be here to stand with you as you dream and construct these dreams.

Do you recognize who I am? I am one to seek you in my Life that you may be Free.

Children, to be free is to have the thought that no one can create for you. . .you must stand in this space. But, I will be near to you while you are at this task. I will stand by you as you "envision." And, in this is the way of abundance for all things.

Come My Dear One, trust me for all of the things that you do. Ask me to enter into these creations of the Light that I am see you in all of your Glory.

Child of the Light, I am here. And I know you are not ones to seek another to be with you. My place in the cosmos is to stand with you. I am one to have been given the ways of learning. Therefore, I give to you great Wisdom. I hold you to me with all of my strength, that all
may be whole in your lives.

Be with me! Know me! And know that you are ones to be Loved, greatly.

Go in Peace and Love.
Q. Rene - Dear One, we are not ones to know that you stand by us. For those who do not understand these words, how can we be assured that we stand in your Grace?

Child, you are one to have this promise. "I will never leave you alone unless you ask me to exit your Life!"

I am here to support you. I am here to Love you! And in this answer, does it give unto yourself that there is faith in this world, and healing, and wholeness.

Accept this as Truth, Now! And live in a Paradise!

Go in Peace and Love.
Discourse with God
Copyright 2009
Discourse with God, published on: http://
www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - July 27, 2009


Dear One, I am here. What shall be the lesson for me for today?

Child, I am here as well. Be with me as I tell unto you my will for all in Earth Plane.

I would that you are Ones to know me. I would that when we speak together, all will know that I am with them.

Q. Beloved, why do we not believe when Your voice is all around us? I see the beauty of the skies and Your Universe that is evidenced beyond this. And when I think of all that You have created, I am in awe.

Why do we not believe that you are?

Child, all are afraid I do not exist, Therefore, to be with their fear, they expect the inevitable. . . that, "I do not exist!" They face their fear, and disappointment before they have to encounter it, by the transition of their souls from the Earth Plane.

There lies within all, the knowledge that, "I am". Look at your hand. Is it not beautiful? It is a piece of art in the way it moves and serves you.

Would you believe that this would happen all on its own? This is not so. For without Love, that which I am, there is no "reason". There is only energy that is in evidence for creating.

Q. Child that I am, I want to know what happens to this energy, that is ready to become, when it does not have your Love?

Child, it is inert. It is "possibility." Therefore, it does not become until Love is introduced into its midst.

Q. Does this mean that all of us have the opportunity, to introduce Love into energy, to create as you do?

Child, it is so. I am here and I create that which you see. I create through my Love that you are, as a part of me. You are of Love energy.

When I birthed you, I was one to seek to be known in the Universe. I created you to be with me. To be my companion in the adventure of Universal creation.

Child, it is so. You are, to me, a companion to Love. You are to me a miracle of Life! Therefore, when you feel saddened by the Earth Plane experience, remember this is so. I am with you forever.

At this time, you have but decided to experience Earth Plane for your own understanding of the Universe in which you Live. You have chosen Earth Plane to experience, for you wanted to know what Love, without the experience of it, would be like.

Q. Dear One, does this mean that to understand Love in all its beauty, I must recognize what it is like to be without Love?

Child, it shall mean that you are one to care, to select, your experience. I do not direct your Life in Earth Plane. I but allow you to go where you would wish to learn. Many times I am not in Joy with your choices for learning but I do not tell you what must be so. You decide of your own.

I would that you would listen to me and grow. But, if you decide that you want to learn through experiencing, I support you. I hold you to me that you do not disappoint yourself while you learn.

Child, to learn of that which seems to be of a need to understand, is a goodness. But, I would choose for you that you always learn from the Love of the Universe, not from hate.

Child, Earth Plain has such beauty! She is one to keep to the goodness of herself. And in this, you are one to experience her as Love. Be with me in this, and avoid that which would take you into the places of hate, avarice and greed. For there is, within this, that which is to learn. But it is not that which is a necessity. There are Loving ways to learn and to avoid the pain.

You can learn much at the knee of myself. But it is your choice to learn and how it shall be. I will be with you no matter what you will decide.

Q. Beloved, would you teach me how to learn only in Love?

Child, I will teach you of this so that you will know my heart to Love you.

Come to me in the quietness of your self.

Hold me to you in thought and in your desire to feel my Love. And in these times of quietness, I will teach you of these things.

Child, I am here. Accept me! Be with me! I AM HERE.

Q. Beloved, I am here. I will meet you in the quietness that I may learn and grow in Love.

Go in Peace and Love. I await your coming!

Discourse with God
Copyright 2009
Discourse with God, published on:http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 New Article - July 13, 2009


Q: Dear One, I am here. Are you present with me?

GOD SOURCE: I am here and I know you by your name. Will you come to me no matter what you shall think about my being near to you?

I would that you understand you are always near to me and my heart feels your presence. Would you be with me in the same way?

Q: I am here and I will come to you in all of my understanding. I know you are always near to me. But in my own self, to call out to you and to hear your voice, gives me great pleasure of spirit. Is this a goodness?

GOD SOURCE: Dear One, I am one to seek the truth of your inner beingness. Would you be with me no matter what shall be unto you in your day? I would that no matter what, you will be with me and seek me before the day's ending. And, in this is the pleasure of my heart.

Q: Beloved, I know of your being in my life no matter what. But to come to you at the ending of the day, is there a reason this is a goodness?

GOD SOURCE: Child, to look to me in the ending of your day, is to seek me before you sleep. There are many things that have transpired during your day. And to come to me before your rest, will give you better time in this.

To seek me, to speak together of those things that you have encountered, is to be one relieved of the day's treacheries. In this way, your sleeping-rest will be much better for your body.

Child, I would that your body rest well that your health may be a goodness. Daily, as you arise, take a few moments and begin your day in prayer. This means to touch with me before you go forth. In this will you find the day to be much more successful and a lot less stressful!

Child, I would that we walk together and that we are ones to seek the commitment to do so. Not that you will be less strong in your commitment to yourself, but that there will be much that we can do together to be more empowered in your life.

What reason is there to be one to seek the trials of the day? There is no such. To flow into your day, to experience, to accomplish is what your day is for. And in the day, to seek the companionship of others to touch and Love, not to encounter!

Child, a "Successful Day" is one that can say for itself: "I have learned. I have been Peaceful. I have Loved".

And in the ending of the day, if you are upset and tired, you have let go of me and allowed yourself to be full of unjoyful energy. This is not a goodness. For it gives away that for which you have come into earth plane. . ."to Live and Love in your journey of learning".

Child, do not live your day in the thinking that "to encounter every challenge and conquer it" is the way of a good life. This is not so.

Instead, see a successful life as one that allows you to see "Love Grow". It is to seek, "that when you are rested, you can lie down in Peace." And when you awaken, you look forward to the day with an open heart, knowing your are going to experience "something new and exciting in your learning."

Child, a successful day leaves you excited, not tired. A successful day is one that leaves you with more Love, not less. And when you lay your head on your pillow, you can sigh and feel the goodness of the day.

And be one to know that all is well.

Child, I am here for you no matter what shall be the issue. You must not hide from me in anger, in embarrassment, or in guilt. This separates you from me and I can not assist you in your pain. When you are in such as this, COME TO ME. Be with me and know that I will assist you to feel Love once more.

Child, be with me. Know that I Love you and all will be well for you. Do not hide from me where your intentions obscure you from me and my Love.

Child, I am here, and in this "is my Promise: I will never stand aside and allow you your pain, if you will not separate from me". I Love you, and I am here!

Go In Peace and Love

Q: Beloved, I am here and I accept your Promise. I will never stand aside from You. Will this remove any pain I feel in living in earth plane? Pain seems to come to all of us at times.

I thank you for Your Love!


Child, this is so. I am here!

Copyright 2009
Discourse with God, published on:
http://www.DiscourseWithGod.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: